What Our Clients Say About Our Products
"The TestPerfector is unique software. It is very easy to learn and use and it is very flexible in creating and grading complex multiple choice exams. The TestPerfector has many useful and productive features, which gives you a bright look about the quality of the exam and the students. Perfector, as company, provides very fast, high quality and reliable service."
Vered Saar, PhD
Former Director,
Center for Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"In a nutshell, Testperfector is great multiple choice exam creation and grading software designed by professors for professors. They understand the issues that face us and the alternative solutions we want to examine and have created software to do it. Testperfector is robust software that offers all the features that I think I want and more. I have used it for three years and am still discovering the flexibility it provides. It is terrific."
Professor Ira Gang
Rutgers University
"We warmly recommend the TestPerfector Professional software. We have been using this software for several years creating multiple choice exams. We find it a very friendly and practical tool for tests preparation as well as for the statistical analysis of the results. Working with the software is easy and quick, and the system supplies varied results such as statistical results of the whole group, results of each separate test and a general analysis, which are very helpful for the teacher. No doubt, the TestPerfector is an excellent academic software which will be very helpful for any academic institution."
Dvora Sredni, PhD
Former Chairperson,
Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences,
Bar-Ilan University
"One of the problems I immediately found was preventing the students to take a “peak” at their neighbor’s sheet during multiple choice exam and tests. Your program “Test Perfector” solved my problem with the scrambling of the questions and the answers. I found it very effective, easy to use and supported by a clear manual. I also appreciated your immediate help by mail any time I had a question . I would recommend the program to anybody that has a similar problem."
Capt. Carlo Vincenti
Bracciano, Italy
"The 'TestPerfector' is used in our college. This software, due to its many features, helps us achieve a significant improvement in the quality and efficiency of multiple choice exams. TestPerfector scrambles multiple choice exams easily and therefore reduces cheating. The checking of the exams is quickly and therefore enables publishing grades during a short time, generates extensive statistical information which enables analyzing the exams results deeply and seriously. The program also provides the opportunity to change and add correct answers and other features such as adding points for specific answers, adding factors all in a simple and easy way. The management of the multiple choice exams in our college is supported by an external company that supports also "TestPerfecor " during exams writing process, scanning the exams, generating grades and statistical data and also publishing the exams to the student in the college website.
For us, by using Perfector’s products, multiple choice exams became efficient and easy."
Shirit Katav-Herz, PhD
Head of Studies
Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College
"The TestPerfector is very effective software, easy to use, possessing numerous useful and productive features.
At the Center for the Promotion of Learning and Teaching we have used the TestPerfector for the last two years to scramble, check and grade multiple choice exams (about 120 exams each semester).
The easily obtained accurate results, accompanied by statistical analyzes, help us to evaluate the exam items, draw conclusions and
decide upon needed corrections. The software is simple to operate, and is characterized by unique capabilities facilitating adaption to the varied needs and requests of Technion faculty.
A few words about the Perfector Support Team: their software is user-friendly, with a clear and easy to use manual. Additionally, whenever we’ve asked a question or made a request, the support team was ready to meet our special requests, and provide very fast, professional and efficient service.
I would like to thank you for the outstanding software that significantly upgraded our efforts at our Center, and for the professional and efficient service we continue to receive. We highly recommend TTP.
We thank you and all those who continue to develop and improve the TTP software!"
Irit Wertheim, PhD
Assessment and Evaluation Consultant
The Center for the Promotion of Learning and Teaching
The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology