Our Products
Using MS-Word features to create and scramble multiple choice exams.
Obtaining in depth statistical analysis to analyze strengths and weakness.
Each student receives a different version of the exam, preventing cheating and copying.
Use either our Cloud application (Beta version), Or the Desktop app.
Uses a mathematically-proven OMR (Optical Markup Reading) algorithms to parse and analyze scanned answer sheets (such as multiple choice exams).
Uses regular paper and any scanner.
Create surveys and polls in your classroom.
Write your questions in a Word document.
Export your data directly to Excel.
It uses both THE SCANPERFECTOR and THE TESTPERFECTOR's unique technologies to easily analyze the data.
Our applications are used to create thousands of multiple choice exams every year worldwide.
Specializes in applications for creation and grading of multiple choice exams.
We use the latest technologies and its unique Patented mechanisms to deliver state of the art software for creating multiple choice exams.
Exams are written in an MS-Word document using any feature of Word.
Our applications have proven their reliability and highest quality available.